General Properties |
Property | Description |
bus.jvm.heapsize | To control the heap size of the JVMs that are started by the web gateway (ISAPI/mod_cordys) or the monitor service. Note: This property is available for backwards compatibility. If the property bus.vm.options.<component> has been set, this property can be ignored. | | To control the classname which is used for the LDAP schema. By default, OpenText CARS (OpenLDAP) schema is used. You will use this property only when you need to move away from the standard OpenText CARS LDAP, which is currently not supported. | | This property contains the name of the LDAP server that is currently used. |
bus.ldap.processor.keystore | This property contains the keystore that must be used to connect to the LDAP server using a SLL connection. |
bus.ldap.processor.maximumnoofsearchresult | To control the maximum number of search results that are returned by the LDAP server. |
bus.ldap.processor.password | This property contains the password (Base64 encoded) that is used to connect to the LDAP server. |
bus.ldap.processor.port | This property contains the port number on which the LDAP server is listening for connections. |
bus.ldap.processor.ssl | This property indicates if the connection to LDAP is established via SSL. |
bus.ldap.processor.user | This property contains the username that is used to connect to the LDAP server. |
bus.ldaprequest.timeout | To increase the time-out value of the LDAP Service Container. The value must be 180000 (milliseconds), when SSL for LDAP service container is enabled. Default value is 10000 and is used for LDAP entry searches |
bus.ldapwrapper.monitorinterval | To control the interval during which the monitor will try to reach the LDAP server again, after it is disconnected from the LDAP server. |
bus.monitor.ssu.statepublishtimeout | This property identifies the interval for committing the transactions to the local registry.Default value is 2147483647. Value should be specified in milliseconds. | | The timeout in milliseconds is meant for reading messages from a queue. Note: This property is deprecated. Please use the connection-point specific settings to control this. | | This property allows you to influence the class that generates the GUIDs.These IDs are primarily used for generating the message ID for SOAP messages. If you want to provide a different GUID factory, your custom factory needs to implement the interface com.eibus.util.guid.GuidFactory . Note: Most of the classes in Process Platform use Native.createGuid() to create their GUIDs. |
bus.socket.connectioninvalidtime | This property specifies the time, which will be added to the current time to indicate that a connection is not valid. |
bus.socket.localloop | This property is used on systems that have a frequently changing IP address. If this property is set to true, the entire Process Platform environment will use to access the SOAP processors. |
bus.socket.minimumdowntime | This property specifies the minimum time, that is required to invalidate a middleware connection before it is recreated. |
bus.socket.nio | This property indicates, if Process Platform must use the nio package to write the data to the sockets. |
bus.ssl.keystore | This property specifies the location of the keystore containing the certificates that are used to connect to LDAP. |
bus.ssl.keystorepassword | This property specifies the password of the keystore containing the certificates that are used to connect to LDAP. |
bus.ssl.truststore | This property specifies the location of the keystore containing the trusted certificates. This store is used to validate the LDAP Server certificate. |
bus.ssl.truststorepassword | This property specifies the password of the keystore containing the trusted certificates. This store is used to validate the LDAP Server certificate. |
bus.transport.socket.sotimeout | This property specifies the timeout for reading from a socket. Default value is 100000 (100 Seconds). Value should be specified in milliseconds. |
bus.vm.debug.<component> | To make the WCP monitor service or the ISAPI extension pop up a dialog. Name of the component can be monitor or debug. Note: This works on windows only. |
bus.vm.options.default | This property passes Java Virtual Machine (JVM) arguments or profiler arguments. The arguments are passed after JVM is loaded.However, the -server and -client arguments are not passed if JVM is loaded. Note: For any operating system, the default is server-jvm. If server-jvm is not present, it considers client-jvm. | | The password that is required for the user to log-on. | | To enable management through JMX. The user is a chosen name. | | This property contains the TCP port number on which the RMI registry is exposed. The RMI registry contains all the JMX components. | | Build a list of key properties for the object name of this component. The names follow the JMX best practice naming convention as described in |
com.eibus.port.range |
Process Platform must use some ports to communicate properly, especially when running as a cluster. This property defines which ports are used by Process Platform. The property can be set as |
com.eibus.port.range.anonymous |
Process Platform also uses some anonymous ports (used for short-lived communication) to communicate properly, especially when running as a cluster. This property defines which anonymous ports are used by Process Platform. The property can be set as |
com.eibus.processor.outputstream.buffersize | An output buffer of 2 KB is stored and is used, when JVM crashes and is not loaded. This size of output buffer can be configured by setting this property. | | This property enables you to provide the list of your custom jars instead of the default jars provided by Process Platform to load the Process Platform Framework.Set the property as: = <name of the jar list> CAUTION:Doing this will replace the classpaths provided in the list by Process Platform Framework and may jeapordize the loading Process Platform. Hence, it is recommended to add cordyscp.jar that contains the list of CordysFramework jars to the extended jar. | | This property specifies the name of the dll or so file that contains the security routines. Note: Do not change this property unless explicitly needed. It can cause the Cordys system to stop functioning. |
com.eibus.transport.groupmembership.udp.maxpacketsize | This property contains the UDP packet size for the multi-cast packets sent by Process Platform. The minimum size is 4096. |
com.eibus.transport.groupmembership.udp.ttl | This property sets the time-to-live on the MultiCast socket. The value must range from 0 to 255. |
com.eibus.transport.middleware.queue.size | This property indicates the maximum size for the inbound queue. The default value is the value of the property com.eibus.transport.middleware.threads times a 'thread-multiplier'. This thread-multiplier is default set to 1. But the XForms Service Container uses a thread-multiplier of 4. This implies that the XForms connector can hold 40 (default value of the propertycom.eibus.transport.middleware.threads) inbound requests. |
com.eibus.transport.middleware.threads | This property sets the number of worker threads for each configured middleware. It defaults to
10. This implies that each Service Container can handle 10 requests concurrently. If you need to handle more requests concurrently you can do any of the following:
com.eibus.transport.msmq.dll | This property specifies the name of the dll/so file that contains the msmw routines. CAUTION :Do not change this property unless explicitly needed. It can stop the Cordys system to function. |
com.eibus.util.multicast.packet.size | This property defines the packet size for SOAP-based multi casting. |
com.eibus.util.remotesyncup.maxapplicationpendingmessages | This property defines the queue size for the messages received by the Remote SyncUp. CAUTION :This property must not be changed and is useful for debugging only. |
com.eibus.util.sleep.roundedvalue | This property sets the scaling for sleep times. It is observed that sleep times below 10 ms can cause the Windows clock to run faster. It is recommended to set at least 50 ms. If you pass a value of 120 to the com.eibus.util.SleepWrapper.roundedSleep() method, it will return a value of 100. This implies, the sleep time will be rounded to a multiple of the value of com.eibus.util.sleep.roundedvalue . |
com.eibus.web.license.LicReportGateway.licuser | This property sets Process Platform user for the license report gateway to use. The default value is thewcpLicUser. |
Con:bus.ldap.cache.maxSize | To control the local LDAP cache for each process. You can use this property to reduce the amount of LDAP entries that will be cached. By default all entries will be cached, since the default size is 0x7fffffffffffffffL. |
cordys.baseurl.protocol | If the Process Platform server is configured with a proxy server, then setting this property determines whether the communication between client and proxy server will be on HTTPS or HTTP. |
java.home | This property holds the path to a JRE that will be used to start the OpenText Process Suite Platform (<instance name>) and Service Containers. In case a JDK is installed, the path to the JRE inside the JDK must be specified. |
ldap.cache.size | This property controls the amount of DNs which are cached in the local LDAP cache. Each process that uses Process Platform connectors will have an instance of this cache. Note: This property is deprecated and must not be used. |
ldap.cache.timeout | This property specifies the LDAP cache timeout. Note: This property is deprecated and must not be used. |
ldap.multicast.ip | This property can be used to set the multicast IP address for the multicast ring between the LDAP Service Containers. The default value is the IP address of the server specified by the ldap.server property. |
ldap.multicast.port | This property specifies the multicast port for the LDAP Service Containers to communicate with each other. The default value is 3899 and is a UDP Port. |
ldap.port | This property specifies the port on which the LDAP server is running. For non-SSL, it is port 3899. Usually OpenText CARS running in SSL mode uses port 6366. |
ldap.root | This property specifies the root DN for the LDAP server to find the Process Platform schema. The property is set by the installer and defaults to cn=cordys,o=<name-of-the-network-suffix> . |
ldap.server | This property sets the name of the LDAP server that is used. |
ldap.soap.processor.dn | This property contains the LDAP DN of the LDAP Service Container. The monitor uses this property to find the configuration details of the LDAP Service Container, so that it can start this Service Container before the other Service Containers. |
log.config.file | This property specifies the location of the Log4J configuration file that is used to initialize the logger. |
sslsocket.public.keystore.pwd | This property specifies the password for the truststore. The value must be in Base64 Encode format. |
sslsocket.public.keystore.type | This property specifies the type for the keystore. It defaults to the JKS format. |